Blinky Exists!

Remember the three eyed fish on the Simpsons, Blinky? Well evolution has been hard at work creating it's own Blinky. Apparently the Fundulus heteroclitus, or mummichog fish, which is indigenous to Vriginia, USA, has adapted to live in the heavily polluted waters of the Elizabeth river, polluted now for 300 years. It is so well adapted to the pollution if you put it in clean water it promptly dies. Of course the reverse is the case if you put a healthy fish that lives in clean water in the Elizabeth river. Ok it doesn't have three eyes, but what could be next?

The Conflict

The moral lesson: Man shall not work for money.
The Ads: Only monkey works for peanuts.

2 Negative People

A: I am feeling very sick!
B: My business is going heck nowhere!
A & B: Life is hard, [sigh]
The same conversation goes on and on each time they meet, at the end of the day, both realized something:
A & B: We were merely out of luck!

The Price Tag in a Chinese Grocery Store

Pork 10 RMB/KG for the Rich
          5 RMB/KG for the Poor

The Breaking News

Radio hissing: "His Supremacy King Elizabeth on this day is going to be married to Her Majesty Queen William."

The Thing that Brooks No Words

Two men are debating on the best way to defuse a ticking bomb, but there seem to be just no easy solutions to start with, so the talking goes on and on till ...too late.