The Way Out

In what is termed "progress", we have seen ever degrading ecological environment, dwindling natural resources, the stress thus the divorce and drugs as a result of over-competition, the agressive behavior and intolerance, the selfishness thus the loneliness and the increasing gap between the rich and poor, this situation is definitely not what life is meant to be.

The answer lies in a moderate needs, caring attitude to each other, political change towards a democratic socialism, where wealth comes from labour rather than capital. In this regard, egalitarianism is not that bad at all, as the individual ability does not differ to the same extent as the possession of wealth.

So let's make our planet earth peaceful and humane.


Two Forces

There are two forces in this world: one is constructive and the other is destructive. Constructive force puts things together, while destructive force takes things apart. (July, 2002)


The Employment Dilemma

The young man, at the job interview, was informed that the company needed someone with good experience. As he got older, being dismissed countless times for the same reason, he came to the findings that most companies prefer young recruits.


Yes to Uninversal Health Insurance

Health care is not "the more the merrier" consumable, but a necessary securty for the general public, rich or poor alike, in face of disease or ailment.

Although the mechanism of private health insurance provides for mutual heath risk cover, different risk groups are liable unevenly to the premium, to the extent the poor are virtually marginalized out of the protection. Further, insurer profit adds to the burden of patient.

Thus, the government-sponsored health insurance, that sees to the medical need of everyone, is the best way out.


人害怕生病,失去健康,就等于失去了一切。看病吃药都是人们本不情愿但又不得不做的事。医药支出的性质是与其他消费完全不同的,挂号不是订球票,买药不是买零食。另外, 健康也不依人的意志为转移,先天性的疾病以及事故造成的创伤是不由自主的。因此,维持人们的基本健康,不仅是个人的事,更是整个社会的事, 体现了社会的文明与进步。


援引美国的医疗保险介绍,问题颇具普遍性。"Insurers assess the risks posed by applicants for insurance and then group applicants into similar classes of risk. Americans who are considered average or better-than-average risks can usually purchase insurance policies at a relatively affordable price. When an applicant presents too much risk, however, private companies consider it difficult or even impossible to offer insurance coverage to that person. --- Microsoft?Encarta?Encyclopedia 2002. ?"



Polarity Phenomena

Things evolve in an uneven pattern. Starting from the same origin, while overcoming difficulties, some have their way and see a soaring curve, others not, and take a deep dive, as observed in bus traffic, employment and savings deposit. Buses hardly keep each other apart for the fact that the fast get faster and the slow slower; the unemployed is losing on the chances to get back to the workforce, while the employed is strengthening the foothold daily; amount of capital bears on interest rate, the more the higher and vice versa. So, where do you end up? (July, 2003)


Findings on Chinese Society

The whole society in China generally works on sympathy rather than competition as in the West, even to the extent that any goodness, be it virtues, wealth, or fame, gets suppressed and discouraged.(July, 2003)




 In financing, credit favors the already well-off, but discredit those in the red. (February, 2004)


In Time of Massacre

Flu makes birds victim of man. (February, 2004)


Findings about Myself

Man's mood is alternating between the anxiety of desire and the joy of satisfaction. (March, 2004)


Double Standard

Jealousy towards the capable and disdain towards the incapable are both crude attitude of man. (April 12, 2004)


The Bias

For some, just to feel better, the purpose of life has degraded to mean discrimination, on every possible ground: gender, sex, wealth, health, religion, education, family background, look, social status, etc. Thus, a virile, learned, handsome, righteous, noble, millionaire may claim the throne of vanity. (April 21, 2004)


Faulty Hypothesis

Darwin’s concept of variation of species and evolution is assumably flawed in that all the primitive species, from blue-green algae, sponge, to pine and spider, that should have been phased out by natural selection, are still extant alongside the modern best survivors such as apple tree and human. (May 4, 2004, amid barks in Beijing suburbs)


How to Rate Your Man? Criteria for an Ideal Husband (IMHO)

Material Side:
Health and Look (capable to work, think, incl. temper, humor, mood; genetic benefit on children.) 25%
Education (Preparedness for incumbency, hence to support a family.) 15%
Employment and Assets (Income and reserves) 10%

Moral Side:
Honesty (Trustworthy or not, upon which truth is based.) 20%
Integrity (Willingness to give, rather than take; criminal tendency.) 10%
Affection and loyalty (Fond of people and stay in love.) 10%
Determination and Perseverance (Goal-minded and ability to achieve in the face of difficulty.) 6%
Behavior (Polite and respectful for others) 2%
Hobbies (Good or bad make a difference.) 2%

Well, I give myself 10 points out of 100, :)  (May 22, 2004)


On Visa

Birds migrate across continents, fishes swim across oceans, why do human need papers to travel across borders? (June 1, 2004)


Does Power Bear on Truth?

Had Adolf Hitler succeeded in the WWII, would the world today recognize him as a hero and fascism justified? (June 1, 2004)


What Matters in a War?

Nothing counts more than a desperate fighter. (June 2, 2004)


On Climate Change

Two forces are playing against each other in bringing about the greenhouse
effect and global warming.

Simply speaking, one force through the burning of fossil fuel and forest
fire releases carbondioxide and heat into our atmosphere, while the other
through the biochemical process of building-up of fossil fuel beneath the
ground and photosynthesis of plant absorbs carbondioxide and heat and solar
energy from our atmosphere.

If the two forces are out of balance, i.e., the former outpaces the latter,
the earth warms up and vice versa. (May 6, 2005)


Socialism or Capitalism?

Socialism is idealistic but not working, while capitalism is cruel but practical. It is assumed that the economic success of China owe much to its hybrid state ownership coupled with privatization.   (Nov. 11, 2005)


What Chinese Minds?

Beneath the amiable smiles and superfluous courtesy, lie the penchant for unwarranted and absolute equality, thus jealousy or even hatred towards the rich and successful. This is probably the motives that has fueled the wars and social upheavals in the history of China, with devastating effect on productivity. One of many such cases is Mao's ideal to strip landlords of their property and mete them out to the landless farmers. Another example is the advice from the Public Security Bureau during the 2005 National Holiday season that tourists into the country shall not boast their wealth to locals, to avoid trouble. (Feb. 22, 2006)


The Confinement

We are living confined. The cell-like homes are our free choice for protection, but the ideology and electric baton outside are forced constraints against liberty and humanity. (Feb 27, 2006)


What Becomes of China in the Next Decade or So?

Given the fact that the Western world is increasingly becoming self-centered and ideologically nonchalant, and that democratic element within China waning under material concern and ruthless suppression, China is again veering toward a formidable autocracy, much like nowaday North Korea, only with added economic prowess. Consequently, the Asia-Pacific region would see the military takeover of Taiwan by the mainland and ensuing international sanctions, in the worst scenario, the Sino-Japanese war, which had been brewing for long, with heavy losses on both sides. In the mean time, the West would not interfere and try to stay out of the trouble. This is not blat, firsthand observation aside, to this day this site is still being blocked from within China, while news coming from the U.S. seemingly focuses on heating oil or illegal immigration. (April 14, 2006/Revised on April 24)


Survival above Anything Else in China

Life is not meant to be easy as in the West for most Chinese. Compliance with the party line and respect for the leaders is the rule of the thumb, right or wrong, true or false. Weathering political upheavals in the past, the majority have turned silent when it comes to politics, while others yes or sorry men, to keep their livelihood, lest to die in jail or starve on the street. This in part explains why the worsening of environment and pollution, among other mismanagement, is hardly reversed in what is advocated a "harmonious society." (April 24, 2006)


Where Did the Pussy Go?

The pussy had been with me for almost a year since birth. Completely overtaken by the heat, she got so agitated and howled in a million tones day in and out, before I decided to give her up last night. I rest her by the fence separating the residential area and field beyond, in the hope she might change her mind last. She paused for a while, looking back at me confused, then started to sniff about, and slipped away in the darkness just a few minutes later.

Weighing the mess left behind in the room and the loss of a determined company, I wonder where she might have ended up on her treacherous journey to freedom. I realized that resolve, work and risk-taking are all part of the story. (May 19, 2006)


A Military Might or Economic Power?

A country that serves the interest of incapable and weakling, will not see the light of wisdom and wealth. Contrary to the popular belief, whether China is rising to the ranks of a superpower in decades remains a big question. (June 8, 2006)


What Becomes of US?

Further to my previous projection of China, two recent events best confirmed my observation about US, becoming increasingly self-centered and ideologically nonchalant. The first is the border fence with Mexico; Second is the change of heart towards Iraq, as Democrats rise in power. Passion and ideal is fading fast! (Nov. 9, 2006)


The Silver Lining of Nuke

With the advent of atomic weapon, the weaker nations such as Iran and North Korea can now stand up against the would-be masters and have their say in the world affairs. (Dec 21, 2006)


Woe to Chinese Rich

The fortunate or so dubbed in China often ends up with misfortune originated from jealousy, thus a victim of its own success.   (April 24, 2007)


Capitalism vs. Democracy

If the money does not have the say, the gun will. (Oct.2, 2008, amid world financial turmoil)


The Comparison

Everything costs so little in China, except dignity. (Dec. 6, 2008)


Steven Hawking

A name to remember, who believes that heliocentric theory as well as geocentric is perceptive, and far from hard-fact. This also coincides with my early thought as a middle school student.